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South Asian Studies

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The South Asian studies minor is an interdisciplinary minor that incorporates courses from various departments that center around the cultural, economic, and political processes occurring in and out of South Asia. By approaching this region—which includes the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka—from diverse perspectives, the South Asian studies minor allows students to integrate a regional specialization into their program of study. The purpose of this minor is to understand the interconnectedness of the world and the position of South Asia in multiple nodes of connection. Although it is administered by Warren College, it is available to all UC San Diego undergraduate students considering careers related to South Asia or those with a general interest in South Asia. Students should consult an academic adviser at their college to determine how the South Asian studies minor can best meet their college graduation requirements. Minor declarations must be made online using the TritonLink major and minor application. A number of extracurricular events and programs are also available to students interested in South Asia. Information on these programs and activities is available at the South Asia Initiative website:

Students completing a minor in South Asian studies are required to complete twenty-eight units of study (at least twenty units must be upper-division), which should include three four-unit core courses with 75–100 percent South Asia content and four four-unit elective courses (with content of 25–50 percent). The courses that can be used for the minor are the following:

CORE COURSES: three courses required

ANSC 114. Food and Culture in South Asia

ANSC 130. Hinduism

ANSC 165. Contemporary South Asia

ANSC 190GS. Everyday Life in South Asia

ANSC 191GS. Medicine and Healing in South Asia

ANSC 190. Yoga Practices: From Benaras to Beverly Hills

ANSC 192GS. Rethinking Development

ANSC 193GS. Human Rights and Environmental Justice

ECON 164. The Indian Economy

INTL 190. Seminar—Partition of British India

LIHL 119F/W/P. Linguistics/Hindi for Hindi Speakers

LIHL 139. Linguistics/Advanced Hindi for Hindi Speakers

LTWL 145. South Asian Religious Literatures: Selected Topics, Lived Religions of South Asia

LTWL 168. Death and Desire in India

MUS 95W. World Music Ensembles: Indian Classical Music Ensemble

POLI 130G. Politics of Modern India

POLI 138D. South Asia: Politics and Conflict

TDMV 140. Beginning Dances of the World, Beginning Indian Dance

TWS 26. Third World Literatures, Literature of the Subcontinent


ELECTIVES: four courses required

ANAR 124. Archaeology of Asia

ANSC 147. Global Health and the Environment

ANSC 148. Global Health and Cultural Diversity

ANSC 149. Health, Conflict, and Inequality

ANSC 155. Humanitarian Aid: What is It Good For?

ANSC 166. Film and Culture in Asia

ANTH 188. Cultures of Healing

COMM 106i. Internet Industries

ECON 116. Economic Development

ECON 237. Political Economy and Economic Development

ETHN 102. Science, Technology, and Society

GLBH 100. Special Topics in Global Health: Demography and Social Networks in Global Health

GLBH 113. Women’s Health in Global Perspective

HDP 133. Socio-Cultural Foundations of Development

INTL 190. Seminar—Topics in International Development

INTL 190. Seminar—Corruption

LTWL 136. Socially Engaged Buddhism, Ecologies

POLI 117. Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions

POLI 120Q. Ethnic Politics

POLI 122. Politics of Human Rights

POLI 126. Political Economy of Development

POLI 127. Politics of Development

RELI 2. Comparative World Religions

RELI 149. Islam in America: Identity, Race, and Faith

SIO 116GS. Climate Change and Global Health: Understanding the Mechanisms

SIO 118GS. Responding to Climate Change: Possible Solutions

TWS 20. Introduction to Third World Studies