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Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

[ undergraduate program | graduate program | courses ]

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.


Anthony S. Acampora, PhD, Emeritus

Peter M. Asbeck, PhD, Skyworks Endowed Chair, Emeritus

H. Neal Bertram, PhD, Emeritus

William A. Coles, PhD, Emeritus

Pamela C. Cosman, PhD, Associate Dean, Jacobs School of Engineering

Shadi Dayeh, PhD

Sujit Dey, PhD

Sadik C. Esener, PhD, Emeritus

Shaya Fainman, PhD, Chair, Cymer Professor in Advanced Optical Technologies

Joseph Ford, PhD

Massimo Franceschetti, PhD

Eric Fullerton, PhD, Director, Center for Magnetic Recording Research, Center for Magnetic Recording Research Endowed Chair

Ian Galton, PhD

William S. Hodgkiss, PhD, Emeritus

Ramesh C. Jain, PhD, Emeritus

Tara Javidi, PhD

Andrew B. Kahng, PhD

Young-Han Kim, PhD

Farinaz Koushanfar, PhD

Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado, PhD, Emeritus

Pradeep K. Khosla, PhD, Chancellor

Lawrence E. Larson, Emeritus

S. S. Lau, PhD, Emeritus

Sing H. Lee, PhD, Emeritus

Bill Lin, PhD, Chair

Zhaowei Liu, PhD

Yu Hwa Lo, PhD

Vitaliy Lomakin, PhD

Robert Lugannani, PhD

Huey-Lin Luo, PhD, Emeritus

Elias Masry, PhD, Emeritus

D. Asoka Mendis, PhD, Emeritus

Laurence B. Milstein, PhD, Ericsson Endowed Chair

Shayan Mookherjea, PhD

Farrokh Najmabadi, PhD, Emeritus

Truong Q. Nguyen, PhD

Alon Orlitsky, PhD, Director, Center for Wireless Communications, Qualcomm Professor of Information Theory and its Applications

George Papen, PhD

Albert P. Pisano, PhD, Dean, Jacobs School of Engineering

Kevin B. Quest, PhD, Emeritus

Stojan Radic, PhD

Bhaskar Rao, PhD, Ericsson Endowed Chair in Wireless Access Networks

Ramesh Rao, PhD, Qualcomm Endowed Chair, Director, Qualcomm Institute, San Diego Division

Gabriel Rebeiz, PhD, Wireless Communication Industry Endowed Chair

Barnaby J. Rickett, PhD, Emeritus

Manuel Rotenberg, PhD, Emeritus

M. Lea Rudee, PhD, Emeritus

Paul H. Siegel, PhD, Center for Magnetic Recording Research Endowed Chair

Daniel Sievenpiper, PhD, Vice Chair

Bang-Sup Song, PhD, Charles Lee Powell Endowed Chair in Wireless Communications, Emeritus

David Sworder, PhD

Yuan Taur, PhD

Mohan Trivedi, PhD

Charles W. Tu, PhD, Emeritus

Alexander Vardy, PhD, Jack Keil Wolf Endowed Chair

Nuno Vasconcelos, PhD

Andrew J. Viterbi, PhD, Emeritus

Paul Yu, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor, Research Initiatives, William S. C. Chang Endowed Chair

Kenneth A. Zeger, PhD

Associate Professors

Vikash Gilja, PhD

Clark C. Guest, PhD, Emeritus

Drew Hall, PhD

Duygu Kuzum, PhD

George J. Lewak, PhD, Emeritus

Patrick Mericer, PhD

Siavash Mirarab, PhD

Tina Ng, PhD

Piya Pal, PhD

Kenneth Y. Yun, PhD, Emeritus

Xinyu Zhang, PhD

Assistant Professors

Nick Antipa, PhD

Nikolay A. Atanasov, PhD

Dinesh Bharadia, PhD

Tzu-Chien Hsueh, PhD

Mingu Kang, PhD

Hahn-Phuc Le, PhD

Florian Meyer, PhD

Kenji Nomura, PhD

Yuanyuan Shi, PhD

Behrouz Touri, PhD

Yatish Turakhia, PhD

Edward Wang, PhD

Xiaolong Wang, PhD

Pentao Xie, PhD

Michael Yip, PhD

Yang Zheng, PhD

Professors of Practice

John Sanford, PhD

Nambi Seshadri, PhD

David Whelan, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor

Curt Schurgers, PhD

Assistant Teaching Professor

Saharnaz Baghdadchi, PhD

Karcher Morris, PhD

Adjunct Professors

Cheolhong An, PhD, Assistant Adjunct Professor

C. K. Cheng, PhD, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Peter Gerstoft, PhD, Research Scientist, Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Prasad Gudem, PhD, Vice President, Engineering, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

Madhu Gupta, PhD, Professor, San Diego State University, Emeritus

Rajesh Gupta, PhD, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Fredric J. Harris, PhD, Adjunct Professor

John A. Hildebrand, PhD, Professor, Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

John Hong, PhD, Adjunct Professor

Mingxiong Huang, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Radiology

Boubacar Kante, PhD, Professor, UC Berkeley

Chris Mi, PhD, Adjunct Professor, SDSU

Tajana Rosing, PhD, Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Carl Taswell, PhD, Adjunct Professor

Affiliated Faculty

Gustaf O. S. Arrhenius, PhD, Professor, Marine Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Prab Bandaru, PhD, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Todd Coleman, PhD, Professor, Bioengineering

Ert Cubukcu, PhD, Associate Professor, NanoEngineering

Pankaj K. Das, PhD, Emeritus, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Sylvia Herbert, PhD, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Alicia (Hyunsun) Kim, PhD, Professor, Structural Engineering

Miroslav Krstic, PhD, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Imanuel Lerman, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, Anesthesiology

Sonia Martinez, PhD, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Arya Mazumdar, PhD, Associate Professor, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute

Ying S. Meng, PhD, Professor, NanoEngineering

Gal Mishne, PhD, Assistant Professor, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute

Donald Norman, PhD, Emeritus, Cognitive Science

Ryan Orosco, MD, Assistant Professor of Surgery

Roberto Padovani, PhD, Executive Vice President, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

Nasser Peyghambarian, PhD, Professor, University of Arizona

John Proakis, PhD, Professor, Northeastern University

Ravi Ramamoorthi, PhD, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Lingyan Shi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bioengineering

Wei Xiong, PhD, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Sheng Xu, PhD, Assistant Professor, NanoEngineering, Bioengineering