Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)
[ MAS-AESE courses | undergraduate program | graduate program | courses ]
All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.
P. Bandaru, PhD
F. Beg, PhD
T. Bewley, PhD
R. Bitmead, PhD, Distinguished Professor
R. De Callafon, PhD
C. Coimbra, PhD, Isaacs Chair Professor
J. Cortes, PhD, Cymer Chair Professor
J. Friend, PhD
J. Garay, PhD, Associate Dean for Research, Jacobs School
C. Gibson, PhD
O. Graeve, PhD
J. Kleissl, PhD
J. Kosmatka, PhD, Director, California Space Grant Consortium
S. Krasheninnikov, PhD
M. Krstic, PhD, Alspach Chair Distinguished Professor, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
R. Lal, PhD
S. G. Llewellyn Smith, PhD
S. Martinez Diaz, PhD, Jacobs Fellow
W. M. McEneaney, PhD
M. A. Meyers, PhD, Distinguished Professor
V. Nesterenko, PhD, Distinguished Professor
K. Nomura, PhD
E. Pawlak, PhD
A. Pisano, PhD, Zable Chair Distinguished Professor, Dean, Jacobs School of Engineering
P. Rangamani, PhD
D. Saintillan, PhD
A. Sanchez, PhD
S. Sarkar, PhD, Blasker Chair Distinguished Professor
K. Seshadri, PhD
F. Talke, PhD, CMMR Chair Distinguished Professor
G. Tynan, PhD, Iwama Chair Distinguished Professor, MAE Chair
Professors Emeriti
R. Cattolica, PhD
R. Conn, PhD
J. Goddard, PhD
S. Jin, PhD, Distinguished Professor
J. Lasheras, PhD, Distinguished Professor, deceased
P. Libby, PhD
S. Lin, PhD, deceased
P. Linden, PhD, Distinguished Professor
X. Markenscoff, PhD, Distinguished Professor
S. Middleman, PhD, Distinguished Professor, deceased
J. Miles, PhD, deceased
D. Miller, PhD
H. Murakami, PhD
S. Nemat-Nasser, PhD, Distinguished Professor, deceased
D. Olfe, PhD
S. Penner, PhD, deceased
C. Pozrikidis, PhD
A. Schneider, ScD
R. Skelton, PhD, Distinguished Professor
H. Sorenson, PhD, Distinguished Professor
C. van Atta, PhD, deceased
F. Williams, PhD, Distinguished Professor
Associate Professors
A. Arefiev, PhD
N. Boechler, PhD
S. Cai, PhD
R. Chen, PhD
M. Tolley, PhD
Assistant Professors
M. Davidson, PhD
M. Frazier, PhD
N. Gravish, PhD
S. Herbert, PhD
P. Hidalgo-Gonzalez, PhD
J. Hwang, PhD
D. Kamensky, PhD
B. Kramer, PhD
A. Lucas, PhD, MAE/SIO
T. Morimoto, PhD
L. Petersen, PhD
L. Poulikakos, PhD
A. Rosengren, PhD
A. Saha, PhD
O. Schmidt, PhD
Affiliated Faculty
M. Anderson, PhD, Teaching Professor, MAE
M. Bahadori, PhD, Continuing Lecturer, MAE
J. Becker, PhD, Teaching Professor, MAE/SIO
M. Buckingham, PhD, Professor, SIO
N. Delson, PhD, Teaching Professor, MAE
E. Evdokimenko, PhD, Lecturer, MAE
M. Ghazinejad, PhD, Teaching Professor, MAE
C. Holland, PhD, Lecturer, CER
D. Hrovat, Adjunct Distinguished Professor, MAE
T. Hylton, PhD, Professor of Practice, MAE
H. Kim, PhD, Professor, SE
V. Krishnan, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Rady School of Management
M. Lubarda, PhD, Teaching Professor, MAE
V. Lubarda, PhD, Adjunct Professor, MAE
W. Melville, PhD, Professor, SIO
F. Najmabadi, PhD, Professor, ECE
M. de Oliveira, PhD, Adjunct Professor, MAE
R. Pinkel, PhD, Professor, SIO
H. Qi, PhD, Teaching Professor, MAE
J. Silberman, PhD, Lecturer, MAE
D. Tartakovsky, PhD, Adjunct Professor, MAE
J. Tustaniwskyj, PhD, Continuing Lecturer, MAE
D. Valdez-Jasso, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bioengineering
D. Victor, PhD, Professor, GPS
J. Wade, PhD, Professor of Practice, MAE
D. Whelan, Professor of Practice, ECE
J. Whitesell, PhD, Professor, Chemistry/Biochemistry
M. Yip, PhD, Assistant Professor, ECE
W. Young, PhD, Professor, SIO
Professional Research Staff
J. Boedo, PhD, Research Scientist, CER
Y. Kodera, PhD, Assistant Research Scientist, MAE
H. Pham, PhD, Assistant Project Scientist, MAE
R. Seiser, PhD, Associate Project Scientist, MAE
R. Smirnov, PhD, Project Scientist, MAE
Y-T. Yeh, PhD, Assistant Research Scientist, MAE