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Education Studies

[ graduate program | courses | faculty ]

Social Sciences Public Engagement Building, Fifth Floor
North Torrey Pines Living and Learning Neighborhood

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Education Studies (EDS) at UC San Diego offers the Master of Education Degree/California Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential for elementary school teachers; the Master of Education Degree/California Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential in English, world language, mathematics, life sciences (biology), chemistry, earth and planetary science (geosciences), and physics for secondary school teachers; the master of arts in Teaching and Learning: Bilingual Education (ASL-English) (not currently accepting applications); the master of arts in Teaching and Learning with an emphasis in curriculum design (not currently accepting applications); the joint doctor of education (JDP) with California State University, San Marcos, in Educational Leadership; the doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Education: Transforming Education in a Diverse Society; the Bachelor of Science in Education Sciences: Transforming Education through Research and Practice; and three undergraduate minors in Education Studies.

A primary focus of the Education Studies Program is to provide equity of educational access for all students in public schools. This goal is actualized through the academic and field components of each of our programs. We require candidates to master the subject matter that they will teach and develop a repertoire of effective teaching practices that utilize their students’ cultural knowledge and language diversity as educational resources.

Undergraduate Programs

Minors in Education Studies

The Education Studies Program offers three specific minor programs. These minors are designed for students considering K–12 teaching as a career; those interested in teaching at the college level; and students who are interested in becoming better, more reflective learners. The minor in Education Studies provides course work and field experience for students interested in elementary teaching, or for English, mathematics, science, or world language students who decide to pursue teaching during their junior or senior years. The Mathematics and Science Education minors explore teaching and learning practices specific to these disciplines along with the components of the knowledge base necessary to teach K–12 science and mathematics successfully. All courses for these minors must be taken for a letter grade except for EDS 39 and EDS 139. Depending on students’ majors and career plans, they may select from the following minor options:

  • Minor in Education Studies
  • Minor in Mathematics Education
  • Minor in Science Education
Minor in Education Studies

Students must complete a minimum of one practicum course in Teaching and Learning (EDS 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 140, 141, 145, 146, 128AB, or 129ABC) and a minimum of one course from each of the remaining three categories of Learning Environments (EDS 108GS, 110R, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 122, 124AR, 124BR, 162, or 164R), Language and Culture (EDS 117 or 125), or School and Society (EDS 31, 112, 113, 116, 125, 126, 127, 155, or 164R). All practicum courses, with the exception of EDS 135, require that students enroll concurrently in EDS 139.

Students planning to apply for the UC San Diego graduate credential program must take specific courses in all four categories above (except for the minor in Mathematics Education, and the minor in Science Education). These two minors have their own specific courses, described below. Please contact EDS for specific minor courses that meet the prerequisite requirements for admission to the graduate credential program. The EDS minor requires a minimum of twelve units in EDS courses. A maximum of twelve units of practicum (EDS 139) may be applied to this minor (minimum total of twenty-eight quarter units).

Minor in Mathematics Education
  • MATH 95. Introduction to Teaching Mathematics
  • EDS 39. Practicum in Science and Mathematics Teaching/Learning
  • EDS 117. Language, Culture, and Education
  • MATH 121A. Foundations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics I
  • MATH 121B. Foundations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics II
  • EDS 129A. Introduction to Teaching and Learning
  • EDS 139. Practicum in Teaching/Learning
  • EDS 129B. Introduction to Teaching and Learning
  • EDS 139. Practicum in Teaching/Learning
  • EDS 129C. Introduction to Teaching and Learning
  • EDS 139. Practicum in Teaching/Learning
    (total of thirty-four quarter units)
Minor in Science Education
  • CHEM 96. Introduction to Teaching Science
  • EDS 39. Practicum in Science and Mathematics Teaching/Learning
  • EDS 117. Language, Culture, and Education
  • CHEM 187. Teaching and Learning Science
  • CHEM 188. Capstone Seminar in Science
  • EDS 129A. Introduction to Teaching and Learning
  • EDS 139. Practicum in Teaching/Learning
  • EDS 129B. Introduction to Teaching and Learning
  • EDS 139. Practicum in Teaching/Learning
  • EDS 129C. Introduction to Teaching and Learning
  • EDS 139. Practicum in Teaching/Learning
    (total of thirty-four quarter units)

Students interested in pursuing a graduate teaching credential program at UC San Diego should contact EDS for the specific prerequisite requirements for admission to the UC San Diego graduate credential program.

Bachelor of Science in Education Sciences: Transforming Education through Research and Practice

The Bachelor of Science in Education Sciences: Transforming Education through Research and Practice will provide you with opportunities to explore the complex social, psychological, economic, historical, political, and cultural issues that impact our lives. Our overarching mission is to provide the resources for students to combine interactive academic course work, hands-on service-learning experiences, and a deep understanding about the relationship between research and educational issues. Students will reflect deeply on underlying educational principles and gain the insight needed to become advocates for equity and social justice within our society. Students are guided to develop an understanding of research and theory within the realities of practice and to use practice to reevaluate both research and theory.

The BS in Education Sciences provides interdisciplinary opportunities for undergraduate students. Students are prepared for careers in the global knowledge economy, with opportunities to apply learning modalities and technologies in multicultural contexts. Students may choose from career opportunities such as public education, public health, higher education, educational policy, nonprofit organizations, and curriculum development. Many graduates will pursue advanced degrees leading to teacher credentialing or educational research. Students may also pursue careers in public education supporting students through counseling, school psychology, or student affairs.

Students who pursue course work in Education Sciences develop richly informed perspectives on the role of education in society. They go on to become leaders in a wide range of fields: discipline-based research in higher education such as linguistics, psychology, sociology, math education, science education, computer science education; general education including teaching, school leadership, and policy; community organization and development; clinical psychology, counseling, English as a second language, special education, social work; medicine; and law.

Graduates of the Education Sciences major are well positioned to become changemakers within their communities. The skills and knowledge gained through the program will serve them in promoting equitable practices and social equity through access to learning.

Graduates of the major would be prepared for a career in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or educational settings as well as graduate studies. The major would be appropriate for students interested in leading discussions about schools and education, informing policy, optimizing e-learning, advocating for accessibility, and supporting the mission of institutions of learning.

Students in the major have the option of completing a specialization in Elementary Educational Practices; Secondary Educational Practices; and Educational Research and Outreach. With advanced planning, students in the major can complete a minor or second major in another discipline. Students who plan on applying to the graduate program to obtain a California Single Subject Teaching Credential must complete a second major in the content area of their planned teaching credential.

The BS in Education Sciences is not a professional degree. However, graduates are well prepared to pursue teacher training (see the UC San Diego Teacher Credential program). Students interested in teaching elementary or secondary grades will benefit from completing the major with an emphasis in early childhood learning and development, elementary mathematics education concentration, science education, mathematics education, or learning and development. Students interested in teaching middle or high school are encouraged to meet with a Student Affairs officer to combine the education major with a second major, aiming for proficiency in the subject they plan to teach. All students in the Education Sciences major are required to complete fieldwork hours in an educational setting.

The Major

To receive a BS with a major in Education Sciences, students must meet the following requirements: one lower-division course (at least two units) and a total of eleven upper-division courses (at least fifty units), with a minimum of six courses within the Department of Education Studies.

The lower-division requirement in Education Sciences is

  • One course in explorations in education, human development, or social science research.

The upper-division requirements in Education Sciences are

  1. Minimum of one (1) education in a diverse society course.
  2. Minimum of two (2) learning and development courses.
  3. Minimum of one (1) introduction to learning contexts course.
  4. Two (2) education research methods courses.
  5. Capstone educational fieldwork sequence courses (2–3 courses, dependent upon selected pathway).
  6. Minimum of two (2) upper-division elective courses.
Lower-Division Introduction to Education Requirements

Students completing the major must complete ONE lower-division introductory course as a prerequisite to completing upper-division courses for the major.

  • MATH 95. Introduction to Math Teaching (2)
  • EDS 31/CHEM 96. Introduction to Teaching Science (2)
  • EDS 38. Explorations in Education (2)
  • EDS 39. Explorations in Secondary STEM Education (2)
  • EDS 40. Nature, Community, and Education (4)
  • SOCI 60. The Practice of Social Research (4)
  • HDS 1. Introduction to Human Development (4)
Upper-Division Course Requirements
  1. Education in a Diverse Society
    Students will select ONE course
    • EDS 112. Urban Education in the United States (4)
    • EDS 113. Chicanas/os and Latinos in Education: Policy, Practice, and Challenges to Equity (4)
    • EDS 117/SOCI 117. Language, Culture, and Education (4)
    • EDS 125. History, Politics, and Theory of Bilingual Education (4)
    • EDS 126. Social Organization of Education (4)
    • EDS 155. Climate Education for Climate Justice (4)
    • SOCI 152. Social Inequality and Public Policy (4)
  2. Learning and Development
    Students will select TWO courses
    • EDS 114. Cognitive Development and Interactive Computing Environments (4)
    • EDS 115. Cognitive Development and Education (4)
    • EDS 118. Adolescent Development and Education (4)
    • EDS/LIGN 119. First and Second Language Learning: From Childhood through Adolescence (4)
    • EDS 162. Building Equitable Learning Environments: Tools for Transformative Teaching (4)
    • HDS 120. Language Development (4)
    • HDS 122. Social Development (4)
    • HDS 133. Sociocultural Foundations of Human Development (4)
  3. Introduction to Learning Contexts
    Students will select at least ONE course. EDS 139 (Practicum in Teaching Learning–2 units) is a corequisite course required for all introduction to learning contexts courses with the exception of EDS 135.
    • EDS 130. Introduction to Academic Mentoring of Elementary/School Students (4)
    • EDS 131. Early Childhood Development and Education (4)
    • EDS 133. Counseling and Advising (4)
    • EDS 135. Newcomers in San Diego (6)
    • EDS 136. Introduction to Academic Tutoring of Secondary School Students (4)
    • EDS 137. Introduction to Discipline-Specific Teaching and Learning (4)
    • EDS 145. Arts Across the Curriculum (4)
    • EDS 146. Mindfulness and Education (4)
  4. Educational Research

    Students must complete TWO courses in research methodology. One course must address qualitative research methods and one course must address quantitative research methods.

    Qualitative Research Courses

    • EDS 102. Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Education Research (4)
      *or equivalent course with department approval
    • SOCI 110. Qualitative Research in Educational Settings (4)

    Quantitative Research Courses

    • EDS 103. Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Education Research (4)
      *or equivalent course with department approval
    • SOCI 109. Analysis of Sociological Data (4)
  5. Senior Educational Fieldwork Capstone Sequence

    Students will select one fieldwork pathway and complete the course sequence of the pathway. EDS 139 (Practicum in Teaching Learning–2 units) is a corequisite course required for ALL educational fieldwork courses.

    Pathway 1. Programs, Policy, and Research

    • EDS 140. Introduction to Action Research in PK–12 Education (4)
    • EDS 141. Action Research in PK–12 Education: Advanced Practicum in Pre-K–12 Schools and Communities (4)

    Pathway 2. Elementary Education Teaching

    • EDS 128A. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Elementary) (4)
    • EDS 128B. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Elementary) (4)

    Undergraduate majors who complete Pathway 2 will have fulfilled the course requirements to enter the graduate Teacher Education Program in Multiple Subjects Teaching.

    Pathway 3. Secondary Education Teaching

    • EDS 129A. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Secondary) (4)
    • EDS 129B. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Secondary) (4)
    • EDS 129C. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Secondary) (4)

    Undergraduate majors who complete Pathway 3 will have fulfilled the course requirements to enter the graduate Teacher Education Program in Single Subjects Teaching, with the exception of their content knowledge requirement. This requirement can be satisfied by successfully passing the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET), completion of the Education Studies’ Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP), completion of a degree/major in the content area of the planned teaching credential, course work addressing each of the subject matter domains in the content area, or a combination of course work and exams. In addition, students who plan to apply to the graduate program to obtain a California Single Subject Teaching Credential must complete a second major in the content area of their planned teaching credential.

  6. Upper-Division Focus Area Elective Courses

    Students will complete at least two upper-division elective courses.

    Students are encouraged to pick an area of focus and may choose from the upper-division electives listed below. Students may also define their own area of focus, selecting from courses offered by EDS and other related departments with department approval. EDS 199, Independent Study, taken for Pass/No Pass may count for ONE EDS upper-division elective course. Electives courses may be from more than one focus area.

    P-12 Education

    • EDS 111. Child, Family, and Community Partnerships with Schools (4)
    • MATH 121A. Foundations of Teaching and Learning Math (4)
    • MATH 121B. Foundations of Teaching and Learning Math (4)
    • EDS 122/CHEM 187. Teaching and Learning Science (4)
    • EDS 123/CHEM 188. Teaching and Learning Science (4)
    • EDS 124AR. Teaching Computation in the Digital World (4)
    • EDS 124BR. Teaching Computational Thinking for Everyone (4)

    Education Policy

    • EDS 127. Education Policy in the United States (4)
    • EDS 164R. Early Childhood Policy: Children, Contexts, and Policies in Diverse Societies (4)
    • ECON 147. Economics of Education (4)
    • USP 104. Ethnic Diversity and the City (4)
    • USP 116. California Local Government: Finance and Administration (4)
    • SOCI 127. Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity (4)
    • SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender (4)

    Research in Education

    • EDS 120. Introduction to Design-Based Research in Education (4)
    • ETHN 100A. Ethnic Studies: Theoretical Approaches (4)
    • ETHN 100B. Interdisciplinary Methodologies (4)
    • SOCI 102. Network Data and Methods (4)
    • SOCI 108. Survey Research Design (4)
    • SOCI 122. Social Networks (4)
    • USP 125. The Design of Social Research (4)

    Diverse Learning Settings

    • EDS 108GS. Culture, Cognition, and Schooling in the Americas (4)
    • EDS 110R. Early Learning Environments for Diverse Learners (4)
    • EDS 116. Equity Minded Education (4)
    • ETHN 144. Bilingual Communities in the USA (4)
    • COMM 168. Bilingual Communication (4)
    • COMM 169. Deaf Culture in the U.S. (4)

    Senior Seminar

    • EDS 180. Topics in Education Studies (4)

To satisfy the requirements for the major, lower- and upper-division courses must be completed with a P, C–, or better grade.

Except for independent study course electives (EDS 197, 198, or 199) which are always taken with a Pass/No Pass grade option, students majoring in transformational education through research and practice may take up to two courses, either lower or upper division, with a Pass/No Pass option.