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Structural Engineering

[ undergraduate program | graduate program | courses ]

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.


R. J. Asaro, PhD

J. S. Chen, PhD

J. P. Conte, PhD

A. W. Elgamal, PhD

T. Hutchinson, PhD, PE

H. Kim, PhD

H. A. Kim, PhD

J. B. Kosmatka, PhD

P. Krysl, PhD, Vice Chair

F. Kuester, PhD

F. Lanza di Scalea, PhD

K. J. Loh, PhD

J. S. McCartney, PhD

G. Mosqueda, PhD

A. Palermoa, PhD

Y. Qiao, PhD, Vice Chair

J. Restrepo, PhD

P. B. Shing, PhD

M. D. Todd, PhD, Chair

C. M. Uang, PhD

Q. Zhu, PhD

Professors Emeriti

D. J. Benson, PhD

G. A. Hegemier, PhD

J. E. Luco, PhD

F. Seible, PhD, PE

Associate Professors

M. Tehrani, PhD

I. Tomac, PhD

Assistant Professors

M. Morrison, PhD

S. Semnai, PhD

G. Tsampras, PhD

Teaching Professor

Y. Van Den Einde, PhD

Adjunct Professors

M. Chadha, PhD, Adjunct Professor

C. R. Farrar, PhD, Adjunct Professor

C. H. Loh, PhD, Adjunct Professor