Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies Minor
School of Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities Building, Sixth Floor
All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.
The Minor
The Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies minor (AAPI Studies) at UC San Diego is an interdisciplinary field of study in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. AAPI Studies is a scholarly examination of the complex social, cultural, political, literary, artistic, and historical aspects of Asian American and Pacific Islander life. Students will complete seven courses (twenty-eight total units), including one lower-division core course, one upper- or lower-division elective, and five upper-division electives. Students may count one approved language course (either lower division or upper division) toward the minor. No more than three upper-division electives from one department can count toward the minor. No more than one course that focuses on Asia, rather than Asian American experiences, should be used for the minor. All AAPI Studies courses must be taken for a letter grade. Courses may be selected from the following list or students may petition courses not listed below to count toward the minor, including those taken at other institutions.
Students must complete one lower-division core course.
ETHN 20. Introduction to Asian American Studies (4)
HILD 7B. Race and Ethnicity in the US (4)
LTEN 28. Introduction to Asian American Literature (4)
Of the six electives, only one may be lower division. Electives should include at least one-third Asian American content (except one optional language course and one optional Asia-focused course).
ANTH 21. Race and Racisms (4)
ANTH 23. Debating Multiculturalism: Race, Ethnicity, and Class in American Societies (4)
ANTH 105. Climate Change, Race, and Inequality (4)
ANBI 121. The Original Moonshot—The Voyaging Achievements of the Polynesian Ancestors (4)
ANSC 144. Immigrant and Refugee Health (4)
ANSC 194. Language, Migration, Borders (4)
CGS 114. Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Class (cross-listed as ETHN 183) (4)
CGS 119. Asian American Film, Video, and New Media: The Politics of Pleasure (cross-listed as LTCS 119) (4)
ETHN 1. Introduction to Ethnic Studies: Land and Labor (4)
ETHN 2. Introduction to Ethnic Studies: Circulations of Difference (4)
ETHN 3. Introduction to Ethnic Studies: Making Culture (4)
ETHN 20. Introduction to Asian American Studies (4)
ETHN 103. Environmental Racism (4)
ETHN 103A/HIUS 103. The United States and the Pacific World (4)
ETHN 104. Race, Space, and Segregation (4)
ETHN 105. Ethnic Diversity and the City (cross-listed as USP 104) (4)
ETHN 107. Fieldwork in Racial and Ethnic Communities (cross-listed as USP 130) (4)
ETHN 109. Race and Social Movements (4)
ETHN 118. Contemporary Immigration Issues (4)
ETHN 119. Race in the Americas (4)
ETHN 120D. Race and Oral History in San Diego (cross-listed as HIUS 120D) (4 or 6)
ETHN 121. Contemporary Asian American History (4)
ETHN 122. Asian American Culture and Identity (4)
ETHN 123. Asian American Politics (4)
ETHN 124. Asian American Literature (cross-listed as LTEN 181) (4)
ETHN 125. Asian American History (4)
ETHN 126. Comparative Filipino and Vietnamese American Identities and Communities (4)
ETHN 129. Asian and Latina Immigrant Workers in the Global Economy (cross-listed USP 135) (4)
ETHN 134. Immigration and Ethnicity in Modern American Society (cross-listed with HIUS 180) (4)
ETHN 140. Comparative Refugee Communities from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia (4)
ETHN 166. Arab/Muslim American Identity and Culture (cross-listed with LTEN 179) (4)
ETHN 167. Muslim Identity in America (4)
ETHN 168. Comparative Ethnic Literature (cross-listed with LTEN 178) (4)
ETHN 183. Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Class (cross-listed as CGS 114) (4)
HILD 7B. Race and Ethnicity in the US (4)
HITO 115/115GS. The Global Cold War (4)
HITO 133D. War and Society: The Second World War (4)
HIUS 103. United States and the Pacific World (4)
HIUS 117. History of Los Angeles (4)
HIUS 120. Race and Oral History in San Diego (cross-listed with ETHN 120) (4 or 6)
HIUS 125. Asian American Social Movements (4)
HIUS 126. The History of Race in the United States (4)
HIUS 129. The History of Race and Ethnicity in American Cities (cross-listed with USP 106) (4)
HIUS 136. Citizenship and Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century (cross-listed with ETHN 153) (4)
HIUS 146. Race, Riots, and Violence in the US (4)
HIUS 168. Race, Resistance, and Cultural Politics (4)
HIUS 174. Race Wars in American Culture (4)
HIUS 176/276. Race and Sexual Politics (4)
HIUS 180. Immigration and Ethnicity in Modern Society (cross-listed with ETHN 134) (4)
LTCS 119. Asian American Film, Video, and New Media (cross-listed as CGS 119) (4)
LTEN 28. Introduction to Asian American Literature (4)
LTEN 178. Comparative Ethnic Literature (cross-listed as ETHN 168) (4)
LTEN 179. Topics: Arab/Muslim American Identity and Culture (cross-listed with ETHN 166) (4)
LTEN 181. Asian American Literature (4)
POLI 100H. Race and Ethnicity in American Politics (4)
POLI 100Y. Asian American Politics in the United States (4)
SOCI 117. Language, Culture, and Education (4)
SOCI 125. Sociology of Immigration (4)
SOCI 127. Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity (4)
SOCI 133. Immigration in Comparative Perspective (4)
SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender (4)
SOCI 163. Migration and the Law (4)
TDHT 103. Asian American Theatre (4)
USP 104. Ethnic Diversity and the City (cross-listed as ETHN 105) (4)
USP 106. The History of Race and Ethnicity in American Cities (cross-listed as HIUS 129) (4)
USP 130. Fieldwork in Racial and Ethnic Communities (cross-listed as ETHN 107) (4)
USP 135. Asian and Latina Immigrant Workers in the Global Economy (cross-listed ETHN 129) (4)
VIS 21A. Introduction to the Art of the Americas or Africa and Oceania (4)
VIS 126K. Oceanic Art (4)
Asia-Focused Courses
Students may use one Asia-focused course as one of the electives toward the minor (optional).
ANTH 44. Gender, Sexuality, and New Media Fandom in the Korean Wave (4)
HIEA 114. Postwar Japan (4)
HIEA 125. Women and Gender in East Asia (4)
HIEA 137. Women and the Family in Chinese History (4)
HIEA 139GS. An Introduction to Southeast Asia (circa 800–1900) (4)
HIEA 144. Topics in East Asian History (4)
HIEA 151. The Two Koreas, 1945–Present (4)
HIEA 152. History and Cultures of the Korean Diaspora (4)
HIEA 153. Social and Cultural History of Twentieth-Century Korea (4)
HIEA 180. Topics in Modern Korean History (4)
HIGL 114. History of Modern Vietnam (4)
HITO 160GS. Globalization and Diaspora (4)
LTEA 132. Later Japanese Literature in Translation (4)
LTEA 138. Japanese Films (4)
LTEA 152A. Topics in Filipino Literature and Culture (Nineteenth Century–World War II) (4)
LTEA 152B. Topics in Filipino Literature and Culture (World War II–Present) (4)
Language Courses
Students may use one approved language course (either lower division or upper division) as one of the electives toward the minor (optional).
CHIN 10AN-BN-CN. First-Year Chinese—Nonnative Speakers (4)
CHIN 10AM-BM-CM. First-Year Chinese—Mandarin Speakers (4)
CHIN 10AD-BD-CD. First-Year Chinese—Dialect Speakers (4)
CHIN 20AN-BN-CN. Second-Year Chinese—Nonnative Speakers (4)
CHIN 20AM-BM-CM. Second-Year Chinese—Mandarin Speakers (4)
CHIN 20AD-BD-CD. Second-Year Chinese—Dialect Speakers (4)
CHIN 100AN-BN-CN. Third-Year Chinese—Nonnative Speakers (4)
CHIN 100AM-BM-CM. Third-Year Chinese—Mandarin Speakers (4)
JAPN 10A-B-C. First-Year Japanese (5)
JAPN 20A-B-C. Second-Year Japanese (5)
JAPN 130A-B-C. Third-Year Japanese (5)
JAPN 135A-B-C. Japanese for Professional Purposes (4)
JAPN 140A-B-C. Fourth-Year Japanese (4)
JAPN 150A-B-C. Advanced Japanese (4)
LIHL 112F-W-P. Linguistics—Filipino for Filipino Speakers (4)
LIHL 132F-W-P. Linguistics—Advanced Filipino for Filipino Speakers (4)
LIHL 114F-W-P. Linguistics—Vietnamese for Vietnamese Speakers (4)
LIHL 124F-W-P. Linguistics—Vietnamese for Vietnamese Speakers (4)
LIHL 134F-W-P. Linguistics—Advanced Vietnamese for Vietnamese Speakers (4)
LIHL 115F-W-P. Linguistics—Korean for Korean Speakers (4)
LIHL 135F-W-P. Linguistics—Advanced Korean for Korean Speakers (4)
LIHL 119F-W-P. Linguistics—Hindi for Hindi Speakers (4)
LIHL 139F-W-P. Linguistics—Advanced Hindi for Hindi Speakers (4)
LTKO 1A-B-C. Beginning Korean: First Year (5)
LTKO 2A-B-C. Intermediate Korean: Second Year I-II-III (5)
LTKO 3. Advanced Korean: Third Year (5)