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European Studies

CAESAR Programs Advising
School of Arts and Humanities
Ridge Walk Academic Complex, Arts and Humanities Building, Room 655

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.

The European Studies Minor

The European Studies minor is for students with strong European interests or who plan to study in Europe through Study Abroad Programs, but also those who seek to complement their major with the study of Europe as a political, cultural, and economic entity. To receive a minor in European Studies, a student must complete seven four-unit courses (twenty-eight units), at least five of which must be upper division and taken in at least two different departments. Language courses are not required for this minor, but please note that some upper-division courses may have prerequisites.

Up to two four-unit courses in foreign language can be included in the seven courses required for the minor. These may be lower-division courses.

All courses applied to the minor must receive a letter grade of C– or better.

Upper-division courses may include up to two 198 and 199 courses and up to three courses from Study Abroad Programs with the approval of the program director.

Minors in European Studies are encouraged to study abroad in Europe. Students should consult with the program director before going abroad to determine which courses will be approved for minor credit.


COMM 104E. Comparative Media Systems: Europe


HIEU 109. Blood, Soil, Boundaries: Nationalism in Europe

HIEU 111. Europe in the Middle Ages

HIEU 125. Reformation Europe

HIEU 128. Europe Since 1945

HIEU 130. Europe in the Eighteenth Century

HIEU 136B. European Society and Social Thought, 1870–1989

HIEU 140. History of Women and Gender in Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present

HIEU 141. European Diplomatic History, 1870–1945

HIEU 142. European Intellectual History, 1780–1870

HIEU 143. European Intellectual History, 1870–1945

HIEU 144. Topics in European History

HIEU 146. Fascism, Communism, and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy: Europe 1919–1945

HIEU 147. Europe and the World I, 1808–1918

HIEU 148. Europe and the World II, 1918–Present

HIEU 153. Topics in Modern European History

HIEU 163/263. Special Topics in Medieval History

HIEU 164. Special Topics in Early Modern Europe

HIEU 167. Special Topics in the Social History of Early Modern Europe

HIEU 171/271. Special Topics in Twentieth-Century Europe

HIEU 172. Comparative European Fascism

HIEU 174/274. The Holocaust: A Psychological Approach

HIEU 181. Immigration, Ethnicity, and Identity in Contemporary European Society

HIEU 182. The Muslim Experience in Contemporary European Society

HISC 106. The Scientific Revolution

HISC 107. The Emergence of Modern Science


LIFR 1A/1AX. French Conversation/Analysis of French

LIFR 1B/1BX. French Conversation/Analysis of French

LIFR 1C/1CX. French Conversation/Analysis of French

LIFR 1D/1DX. French Conversation/Analysis of French

LIGM 1A/1AX. German Conversation/German Conversation

LIGM 1B/1BX. German Conversation/German Conversation

LIGM 1C/1CX. German Conversation/German Conversation

LIGM 1D/1DX. German Conversation/German Conversation

LIIT 1A/1AX. Italian Conversation/Analysis of Italian

LIIT 1B/1BX. Italian Conversation/Analysis of Italian

LIIT 1C/1CX. Italian Conversation/Analysis of Italian

LIIT 1D/1DX. Italian Conversation/Analysis of Italian

LIPO 1A/1AX. Portuguese Conversation/Analysis of Portuguese

LIPO 1B/1BX. Portuguese Conversation/Analysis of Portuguese

LIPO 1C/1CX. Portuguese Conversation/Analysis of Portuguese

LIPO 1D/1DX. Portuguese Conversation/Analysis of Portuguese

LISP 1A/1AX. Spanish Conversation/Analysis of Spanish

LISP 1B/1BX. Spanish Conversation/Analysis of Spanish

LISP 1C/1CX. Spanish Conversation/Analysis of Spanish

LISP 1D/1DX. Spanish Conversation/Analysis of Spanish



LTEN 21. Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: Pre-1660

LTEN 22. Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1660–1832

LTEN 23. Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1832–Present

LTEN 107. Chaucer

LTEN 110. Topics: The Renaissance

LTEN 112. Shakespeare I: The Elizabethan Period

LTEN 113. Shakespeare II: The Jacobean Period

LTEN 114. Shakespeare III: Text, Stage, and Film

LTEN 117. Topics: The Seventeenth Century

LTEN 120. Topics: The Eighteenth Century

LTEN 124. Topics: The Nineteenth Century

LTEN 125. Romantic Poetry

LTEN 127. Victorian Poetry

LTEN 128. British and Irish Poetry: 1900 to Present

LTEN 130. Modern British Literature

LTEN 130GS. Modern British Literature

LTEN 132. Modern Irish Literature

LTEN 138. The British Novel: 1680–1790

LTEN 140. The British Novel: 1790–1830

LTEN 142. The British Novel: 1830–1890

LTEN 144. The British Novel: 1890 to Present

LTEU 100. Introduction to Italian Literature

LTEU 105. Medieval Studies

LTEU 109. Studies in Eighteenth-Century European Literature

LTEU 110. European Romanticism

LTEU 111. European Realism

LTEU 130. German Literature in Translation

LTEU 137. Seminars in German Culture

LTEU 139. Marx/Nietzsche/Freud

LTEU 140. Italian Literature in Translation

LTEU 141. French Literature in English Translation

LTEU 146. Studies in Modern Italian Prose (4)

LTEU 150A. Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1800–1860

LTEU 150B. Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1860–1917

LTEU 150C. Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1917–Present

LTEU 153GS. Environmental Studies in Russia: Lake Baikal

LTEU 154. Russian Culture

LTEU 158. Single Author in Russian Literature in Translation

LTFR 2A. Intermediate French I

LTFR 2B. Intermediate French II

LTFR 2C. Intermediate French III: Composition and Cultural Contexts

LTFR 104. Advanced French Reading and Writing

LTFR 115. Themes in Intellectual and Literary History

LTFR 116. Themes in Intellectual and Literary History

LTFR 121. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

LTFR 122. Topics in Seventeenth-Century French Literature

LTFR 123. Eighteenth Century

LTFR 124. Nineteenth Century

LTFR 125. Twentieth Century

LTFR 141. Topics in Literatures in French

LTFR 142. Topics in Literary Genres in French

LTFR 143. Topics in Major Authors in French

LTFR 164. Topics in Modern French Culture

LTGK 1. Beginning Greek

LTGK 2. Intermediate Greek (I)

LTGK 3. Intermediate Greek (II)

LTGK 101. Greek Composition

LTGK 102. Greek Poetry

LTGK 103. Greek Drama

LTGK 104. Greek Prose

LTGK 105. Topics in Greek Literature

LTGM 2A. Intermediate German I

LTGM 2B. Intermediate German II

LTGM 2C. Intermediate German III

LTGM 100. German Studies I: Aesthetic Cultures

LTGM 101. German Studies II: National Identities

LTGM 130. German Literary Prose

LTGM 132. German Poetry

LTGM 134. New German Cinema

LTLA 1. Beginning Latin

LTLA 2. Intermediate Latin (I)

LTLA 3. Intermediate Latin (II)

LTLA 100. Introduction to Latin Literature

LTLA 102. Latin Poetry

LTLA 103. Latin Drama

LTLA 104. Latin Prose

LTLA 105. Topics in Latin Literature

LTIT 2A. Intermediate Italian I

LTIT 2B. Intermediate Italian II

LTIT 12AR. Italian for Spanish Speakers I

LTIT 12BR. Italian for Spanish Speakers II

LTIT 50. Advanced Italian

LTIT 100. Introduction to Literatures in Italian

LTIT 115. Medieval Studies

LTIT 122. Studies in Modern Italian Culture

LTIT 137. Studies in Modern Italian Prose

LTIT 161. Advanced Stylistics and Conversation

LTRU 1A. First-Year Russian

LTRU 1B. First-Year Russian

LTRU 1C. First-Year Russian

LTRU 2A. Second-Year Russian

LTRU 2B. Second-Year Russian

LTRU 104A. Advanced Practicum in Russian: Linguistic Skills Development

LTRU 104B. Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film

LTRU 104C. Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film

LTRU 110A. Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1800–1860

LTRU 110B. Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1860–1917

LTRU 110C. Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1917–present

LTRU 123. Single Author in Russian Literature in Translation

LTRU 150. Russian Culture

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 2D. Intermediate Spanish I: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 2E. Intermediate Spanish II: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 100A. Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences

LTSP 100B. Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (heritage speakers)

LTSP 101. Major Works of the Middle Ages

LTSP 116. Representations of Spanish Colonialism

LTSP 123. Topics in Modern Spanish Culture

LTTH 115. Introduction to Critical Theory

LTWL 19A-B-C. Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans (4-4-4)

LTWL 106. The Classical Tradition


MUS 4. Introduction to Western Music

MUS 112. Topics in European Music Before 1750

MUS 113. Topics in Classic, Romantic, and Modern Music

MUS 120A-B-C. History of Music in Western Culture (I-II-III)


PHIL 13. Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics

PHIL 14. Introduction to Philosophy: The Nature of Reality

PHIL 15. Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Its Limits

PHIL 31. Introduction to Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 32. Philosophy and the Rise of Modern Science

PHIL 33. Philosophy between Reason and Despair

PHIL 102. Hellenistic Philosophy

PHIL 105. Topics in Early Modern Philosophy

PHIL 108. Nineteenth-Century Philosophy

PHIL 161. Topics in the History of Ethics

PHIL 166. Classics in Political Philosophy

PHIL 167. Contemporary Political Philosophy

PHIL 169. Feminism and Philosophy

PHIL 175. Aesthetics

PHIL 180. Phenomenology

PHIL 181. Existentialism

PHIL 183. Topics in Continental Philosophy

Political Science

POLI 110A. Citizens and Saints: Political Thought from Plato to Augustine

POLI 110B. Sovereigns, Subjects, and the Modern State: Political Thought from Machiavelli to Rousseau

POLI 110C. Revolution and Reaction: Political Thought from Kant to Nietzsche

POLI 110DA. Freedom and Discipline: Political Thought in the Twentieth Century

POLI 120A. Political Development of Western Europe

POLI 126AA. Fundamentals of Political Economy: Modern Capitalism

POLI 126AB. Politics and Economics in Eastern Europe


SOCI 20. Social Change in the Modern World

SOCI 100. Classical Sociological Theory

SOCI 106. Comparative and Historical Methods

SOCI 106M. Holocaust Diaries

SOCI 177. International Terrorism

SOCI 178. The Holocaust

Visual Arts

VIS 20. Introduction to Art History

VIS 22. Formations of Modern Art

VIS 84. History of Film

VIS 113AN. History of Criticism I: Early Modern

VIS 113BN. History of Criticism II: Early Twentieth Century (1900–1950)

VIS 113CN. History of Criticism III: Contemporary (1950–Present)

VIS 120C. Late Antique Art

VIS 121AN. Art and Experience in the Middle Ages

VIS 121B. Church and Mosque: Medieval Art and Architecture between Christianity and Islam

VIS 121C. Art and Bible in the Middle Ages: Sign and Design

VIS 122AN. Renaissance Art

VIS 122CN. Leonardo da Vinci in Context

VIS 125A. Twentieth-Century Art

The following courses frequently cover topics bearing on European studies. Students should check the departments’ quarterly course descriptions and yearly course spreads for their applicability to the program and discuss them in advance with their European studies adviser.

LIGN 141. Language Structures

LIGN 150. Historical Linguistics

MUS 114. Music of the Twentieth Century

MUS 115. Women in Music

PHIL 145. Philosophy of Science

PHIL 146. Philosophy of Physics

PHIL 170. Philosophy and Race

PHIL 177. Philosophy and Literature

RELI 131. Topics in Religion and Sexuality

RELI 132. Topics in Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

RELI 141. Public Sphere and Religion

RELI 142. Secularization and Religion

RELI 188. Special Topics in Religion

RELI 189. Seminar in Religion

TDHT 101. Topics in Dramatic Literature and Theatre History

VIS 151. History of the Experimental Film

VIS 158. Histories of Photography