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2024-25 Catalog Interim Update: Winter

Italian Studies

[ faculty ]

CAESAR Program Advising
School of Arts and Humanities
Ridge Walk Academic Complex, Arts and Humanities Building, Room 655

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Italian Studies is an interdisciplinary program in the language, literature, history, theatre, music, and art of Italy. Italian Studies coordinates the resources of the Departments of History, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Political Science, Theatre and Dance, and Visual Arts; and offers students the opportunity to design a major, leading to a BA, around the course offerings of these seven departments. Students in Italian studies are encouraged to make an appointment with the Study Abroad Office in order to take advantage of opportunities to study in Italy through the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) and the Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP). Study abroad credits may be petitioned for credit and transferred back to UC San Diego.

The Major Program

A major in Italian studies consists of a choice of twelve upper-division courses (forty-eight units) in literature, history, music, political science, theatre, and visual arts approved for the program and listed below. At least three areas must be represented in the student’s program of study.

Language Proficiency

For all upper-division work in Italian literature (LTIT), students must complete LTIT 2A, LTIT 2B, and LTIT 50, or demonstrate the equivalent with transfer credit or by proficiency exam.

The particular courses making up each student’s major will be selected in consultation with the program adviser. Courses in other areas of Italian studies taken abroad or on our campus may also apply by petition. Eligible P/NP courses are approved by petition.

The Minor Program

A minor in Italian studies consists of seven courses (twenty-eight units), at least five of which must be upper division from among those listed below (at least two departments must be represented). Courses in other areas of Italian studies taken abroad or on our campus may also apply by petition. Eligible P/NP courses are approved by petition.


For description of courses listed below, see appropriate departmental listing.


HIEU 119. Death and Afterlife in the Middle Ages

HIEU 120. The Renaissance in Italy

HIEU 125. Reformation Europe

HIEU 147. Europe and the World I, 1808–1918

HIEU 148. Europe and the World II, 1918–Present

HIEU 172. Comparative European Fascism

HIEU 181. Immigration, Ethnicity, and Identity in Contemporary European Society

HIEU 183. Social History and Anthropology of the Mediterranean

HIEU 199. Independent Study in European History


LIIT 1A/LIIT1AX. Italian Conversation/Analysis of Italian

LIIT 1B/1BX. Italian Conversation/Analysis of Italian

LIIT 1C/1CX. Italian Conversation/Analysis of Italian


LTEU 100/LTIT 100. Introduction to Italian Literature (may be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary)

LTEU 105/LTIT 115. Medieval Studies (may be repeated for credit up to two times as topics vary)

LTEU 140. Italian Literature in Translation (may be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary)

LTEU 146/LTIT 137. Studies in Modern Italian Prose (may be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary)

LTIT 2A. Intermediate Italian I

LTIT 2B. Intermediate Italian II

LTIT 12AR. Italian for Spanish Speakers I

LTIT 12BR. Italian for Spanish Speakers II

LTIT 50. Advanced Italian

LTIT 100/LTEU 100. Introduction to Literatures in Italian (may be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary)

LTIT 115/LTEU 105. Medieval Studies (may be repeated for credit up to two times as topics vary)

LTIT 122. Studies in Modern Italian Culture

LTIT 137/LTEU 146. Studies in Modern Italian Prose (may be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary)

LTIT 161. Advanced Stylistics and Conversation

LTIT 192. Senior Seminar in Literatures in Italian

LTIT 196. Honors Thesis

LTIT 198. Directed Group Study

LTIT 199. Special Studies

Political Science

POLI 110A. Citizens and Saints: Political Thought from Plato to Augustine

POLI 110B. Sovereigns, Subjects, and the Modern State: Political Thought from Machiavelli to Rousseau

POLI 120I. Politics in Italy

Visual Arts

VIS 122B. Baroque: Painters, Sculptors, Architects

VIS 122CN. Leonardo da Vinci in Context

VIS 122D. Michelangelo

The following courses may be applied to the major or minor, when fifty percent or more of the course focus is on Italian topics:

LTEU 109. Studies in Eighteenth-Century European Literature

LTEU 110. European Romanticism

LTEU 111. European Realism

MUS 113. Topics in Classic, Romantic, and Modern Music

VIS 128A. Topics in Premodern Art History

VIS 129A. Seminar in Premodern Art History

Additional courses counting toward a major or minor in Italian studies are offered on a year-to-year basis. As these often cannot be listed in the catalog in advance, interested students should consult the program faculty for an up-to-date list.