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[ graduate program | courses | faculty ]

John Muir College
Applied Physics and Mathematics Building, Room 7409

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice.

The Undergraduate Program

The mathematics department offers a wide range of courses in pure and applied mathematics for its majors and for students in other disciplines. The department offers six majors leading to the BS: mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematics—computer science, joint major in mathematics and economics, mathematics—applied science and probability and statistics, and one leading to the BA: mathematics—secondary education. In addition, students can minor in mathematics or mathematics education. The department also has an Honors Program for exceptional students in any of the eight majors. See the sections on major programs and the other areas mentioned above as well as the course descriptions at the end of this section for more specific information about program requirements and the courses offered by the department. You may visit our website,, for more information, including course web pages, career advising, and research interests of our faculty.

First-Year Courses

Entering students must take the Mathematics Placement Exam (MPE) prior to orientation unless they have an appropriate score on an AP calculus exam, an appropriate score on the International Baccalaureate Higher Level Mathematics Exam, credit by means of a foreign exam (e.g., GCE), or transferable college credit in calculus. The purpose of the MPE is to recommend placement for entering students in MATH 2, 3B, 3C, 4C, 10A, or 20A. Students can also receive placement into MATH 18 (Linear Algebra). For more information about the MPE (test dates, test description, sample exams, online practice tests), see the Mathematics Testing and Placement website,

Prerequisites for MATH 2, 3B, 3C, 4C, 10A-B-C, 18, 20A-B-C-D-E, and 31AH-BH-CH are enforced through TritonLink. Students need to ensure that test scores and transferable college credit are submitted to the Registrar prior to enrollment through TritonLink.

MATH 3C is the department’s preparatory course for the MATH 10 sequence, providing a review of algebraic skills, facility in graphing, and working with exponential and logarithmic functions.

MATH 4C is the department’s preparatory course for the MATH 20 sequence, providing a brief review of college algebra followed by an introduction to trigonometry and a more advanced treatment of graphing and functions.

MATH 10A-B-C is one of three calculus sequences. The students in this sequence have completed a minimum of two years of high school mathematics. This sequence is intended for majors in liberal arts and the social and life sciences. It fulfills the mathematics requirements of Revelle College and the option of the general-education requirements of Muir College. Completion of two quarters fulfills the requirement of Marshall College and the option of Warren College and Eleanor Roosevelt College.

MATH 18 (formerly numbered MATH 20F) is our lower-division course in linear algebra. This course sits outside the traditional calculus sequence (either 10A-B-C or 20A-B-C) and can be taken concurrent with any of these courses.

The other first-year calculus sequence, MATH 20A-B-C, is taken mainly by students who have completed four years of high school mathematics or have taken a college level precalculus course such as MATH 4C. This sequence fulfills all college level requirements met by MATH 10A-B-C and is required of many majors, including chemistry and biochemistry, bioengineering, cognitive science, economics, mathematics, molecular biology, psychology, MAE, CSE, ECE, and physics. Students with adequate backgrounds in mathematics are strongly encouraged to take MATH 20 since it provides the foundation for MATH 20D and 20E, which are required for some science and engineering majors.

Certain transfers between the MATH 10 and MATH 20 sequences are possible, but such transfers should be carefully discussed with a departmental adviser. Able students who begin the MATH 10 sequence and who wish to transfer to the MATH 20 sequence, may follow one of three paths:

  1. Follow MATH 10A with MATH 20A, with two units of credit given for MATH 20A. This option is not available if the student has credit for MATH 10B or MATH 10C.
  2. Follow MATH 10B with MATH 20B, receiving two units of credit for MATH 20B.
  3. Follow MATH 10C with MATH 20B, receiving two units of credit for MATH 20B and two units of credit for MATH 20C (if taken).

Credit will not be given for courses taken simultaneously from the MATH 10 and the MATH 20 sequence.

The department also offers a three-quarter Honors Calculus sequence in Multivariable and Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra. This sequence, MATH 31AH-BH-CH, is designed for well-prepared students who have both a strong aptitude and a deep interest in mathematics and who wish to undertake a challenging series of courses. The sequence has a prerequisite of a score of 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam. These demanding, proof-based courses cover the material in MATH 18, 20C, and 20E respectively—and entering students with a 5 on the Calculus BC exam should consider starting in the Honors sequence if their major (or minor) program requires them to take, at least, MATH 18 and 20A-B-C. Math majors who complete the entire three-quarter honors sequence will have also satisfied the requirement of MATH 109 for their major program. They would be able to replace MATH 109 with any four-unit upper-division mathematics elective course.

Major Programs

The department offers seven different majors leading to the BS: (1) mathematics, (2) applied mathematics, (3) mathematics—computer science, (4) joint major in mathematics and economics, (5) mathematics-applied science, (6) probability and statistics, and (7) mathematical biology, and one leading to the BA: (1) mathematics—secondary education. The specific emphases and course requirements for these majors are described in the following sections. All majors must obtain a minimum 2.0 grade point average in the upper-division courses used to satisfy the major requirements. Further, the student must receive a grade of C– or better in any course to be counted toward fulfillment of the major requirements. Unless otherwise stated, any mathematics course numbered 100–194 may be used as an upper-division elective. (Note: MATH 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, and 199H cannot be used toward any mathematics major.) All courses used to fulfill the major must be taken for a letter grade. No more than three upper-division courses taken externally from UC San Diego can be counted toward any major. Special exceptions may be considered via petition.

It is strongly recommended that all mathematics majors review their programs at least annually with a departmental adviser, and that they consult with the Advising Office in AP&M before making any changes to their programs. Current course offering information for the entire academic year is maintained on the department’s web page at Special announcements are also emailed to all majors.

Students who plan to go on to complete a PhD in mathematics should be advised that only the best and most motivated students are admitted. Many graduate schools expect that students will have completed a full sequence of abstract algebra (MATH 100A-B-C) as well as a full sequence of analysis (MATH 140A-B-C). The advanced Graduate Record Exam (GRE) often has questions that pertain to material covered in the last quarter of analysis or algebra. In addition, it is advisable that students consider Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates. This is a program funded by the National Science Foundation to introduce students to math research while they are still undergraduates. In their senior year or earlier, students should consider taking some graduate courses so that they are exposed to material taught at a higher level. In their junior year, students should begin to think of obtaining letters of recommendation from professors who are familiar with their abilities.

Note: MATH 20D and 20E do not need to be taken in order. Math majors are strongly advised to take 18 as early as possible (i.e., it can be taken concurrent with 20A, 20B, or 20C).

Education Abroad

Students may be able to participate in the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) and UC San Diego’s Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP) while still making progress toward the major. Students interested in this option should contact the Study Abroad UC San Diego office in the Matthews Quad Building and discuss their plans with the mathematics advising officer before going abroad.

The department must approve courses taken abroad. Information on EAP/OAP can be found in the “Education Abroad Program” section of the UC San Diego General Catalog and the website

Major in Mathematics (MA29)

The upper-division curriculum provides programs for mathematics majors as well as courses for students who will use mathematics as a tool in the biological, physical and behavioral sciences, and the humanities.

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D-E
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH-CH, MATH 20D
Upper Division

A total of thirteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-two units) are required:

  1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing MATH 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
  2. One of the following sequences:
    1. Foundations of Real Analysis: MATH 140A-B
    2. Introduction to Analysis: MATH 142A-B and MATH 120A (MATH 140A-B-C recommended for graduate school)
  3. One of the following sequences:
    1. Abstract Algebra: MATH 100A-B
    2. Modern Applied Algebra: MATH 103A-B and MATH 102 (MATH 100A-B-C recommended for graduate school)
  4. Upper-division electives to complete thirteen four-unit courses (totaling fifty-two units), chosen from any mathematics course numbered between 100 and 194 (including those taken from the requirements listed above)

As with all departmental requirements, more advanced courses on the same material may be substituted with an approved petition from mathematics faculty.

To be prepared for a strong major curriculum, students should complete through at least MATH 20D and MATH 109 before the end of their sophomore year. Either MATH 140A-B or 100A-B should be taken during the junior year.

Major in Applied Mathematics (MA27)

A major in applied mathematics is also offered. The program is intended for students planning to work on the interface between mathematics and other fields.

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D-E
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH-CH, MATH 20D
  1. Programming (one of the following):
    1. CSE 8A-B (Intro to Computer Sci: Java)
    2. CSE 11 (Intro to Computer Sci: Java, Accelerated Pace)
    3. ECE 15 (Engineering Computation)
Upper Division

A total of thirteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-two units) are required:

    1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing MATH 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
    2. Linear Algebra: MATH 102 or MATH 170A
    3. Analysis: MATH 140A-B or MATH 142A-B
    4. Probability or Statistical Methods: MATH 180A or MATH 183 (Note that MATH 183 is not a prerequisite for MATH 181A; further, note that duplication of credit exists between MATH 180A/183 and ECON 120A)
    5. Two of the following sequences:
      1. Combinatorics: MATH 154 or 158, and MATH 184 or 188
      2. Differential Equations: MATH 110 and MATH 130
      3. Numerical Methods: Any three from MATH 170A-B-C, 175, 179
      4. Optimization: MATH 171A-B
      5. Probability: MATH 180A-B-C
      6. Statistics: MATH 181A-B, or any two from MATH 181D, 181F, 185, or 189
    6. Upper-division electives to complete at least thirteen four-unit courses (totaling fifty-two units), chosen from any mathematics course numbered between 100 and 194 (including those taken from the requirements listed above) except
      1. Up to three upper-division courses (twelve units) may be taken from outside the department in an approved applied mathematical area. A petition specifying the courses to be used must be approved by applied mathematics faculty.
      2. MAE 107, ECON 120A-B-C, and MATH 195-199 cannot be counted toward the thirteen required courses.

To be prepared for a strong major curriculum, students should complete through at least MATH 20D and MATH 109 before the end of their sophomore year.

Major in Probability and Statistics (MA35)

This major is designed for students with a substantial interest in probability theory and statistics. It is useful preparation for many fields of employment as well as graduate school.

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D-E
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH-CH, MATH 20D
  1. Programming (one of the following):
    1. CSE 8A-B (Java)
    2. CSE 11 (Java: Accelerated Pace)
    3. ECE 15 (Engineering Computation)
Upper Division

A total of fourteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-six units) are required:

  1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing MATH 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
  2. Linear Algebra: MATH 102
  3. Analysis/Advanced Calculus: MATH 140A-B or MATH 142A-B (MATH 140A-B-C recommended for graduate school)
  4. Probability: MATH 180A-B-C (Note that duplication of credit exists between MATH 180A and ECON 120A.)
  5. Mathematical Statistics: MATH 181A-B
  6. Applied/Computational Statistics: MATH 185 or MATH 189
  7. One additional course from the following: MATH 181C-D-E-F, 182, 185, 189, 194
  8. Upper-division electives to complete fourteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-six units) including those from the requirements listed above, from the following list: MATH 100A-B-C, 103A-B, 110, 111A-B, 112A-B, 114, 120A-B, 130, 140C, 144, 146, 148, 152, 154, 155A, 158, 170A-B-C, 171A-B, 173A-B, 174, 175, 179, 181C-D-E-F, 182, 184, 185, 187A, 188, 189, 190A, 193A-B, 194

    At least fourteen four-unit upper-division mathematics courses (totaling fifty-six units) are required, except

    1. Up to two upper-division electives (totaling eight units) may be outside the department in an approved applied mathematical area. A petition approved by a probability and statistics faculty is required.
    2. MAE 107, ECON 120A-B-C, MATH 195-199 cannot be counted toward the upper-division requirements.

To be prepared for a strong major curriculum, students should complete through at least MATH 20D and MATH 109 before the end of their sophomore year.

Major in Mathematics—Applied Science (MA31)

This major is designed for students with a substantial interest in mathematics and its applications to a particular field such as physics, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, cognitive science, computer science, economics, management science, or engineering.

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D-E
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH-CH, MATH 20D
  1. Programming (one of the following is required):
    1. CSE 8A-B (Intro to Computer Sci: Java)
    2. CSE 11 (Intro to Computer Sci: Java, Accelerated Pace)
    3. ECE 15 (Engineering Computation)

A total of fourteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-six units) are required (seven courses from the Department of Mathematics and seven courses from one or two other departments):

Mathematics Requirements
  1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing MATH 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
  2. Linear Algebra: MATH 102 or MATH 170A
  3. Analysis: MATH 140A-B or 142A-B
  4. Any two-quarter, upper-division math sequence chosen from the following list: MATH 100A-B, 103A-B, 104A-B, 110-130, 110-148, 111A-B, 112A-112B, 120A-B, 130-146, 146-148, 150A-B, 154-184, 155A-B, 158-188, 160A-B, 170A-B, 171A-B, 173A-B, 174-175, 174-179, 180A-B, 180A-194, 181A-B, 187A-B, 190A-B, 193A-B
  5. Upper-division electives to complete at least seven four-unit courses, chosen from any mathematics course numbered between 100 and 194 (including those taken from the requirements listed above)
Applied Science Requirements
  1. Seven upper-division courses (totaling twenty-eight units) selected from one or two other departments (these cannot be from mathematics). At least three of these seven upper-division courses must require calculus (MATH 20B or a subsequent course in the MATH 20 series) as a prerequisite.

Students must submit an individual plan for approval by a mathematics department adviser before taking their applied science course work, and all subsequent changes to the plan must be approved by a mathematics department adviser.

Major in Mathematics—Computer Science (MA30)

Graduates of this program will be mathematically oriented computer scientists who have specialized in the mathematical aspects and foundations of computer science or in the computer applications of mathematics.

A mathematics—computer science major is not allowed to also minor in computer science in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

The detailed curriculum is given in the list below:

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D-E
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH-CH, MATH 20D
  1. CSE 8A-B Introduction to Computer Science: Java, or CSE 11 Introduction to Computer Science: Java (Accelerated)
  2. Software Tools and Techniques Laboratory: CSE 15L or CSE 29
  3. Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design: CSE 12

Students interested in taking course work on computer architecture and design techniques (CSE 140-140L, CSE 141-141L, CSE 142-142L, CSE 148) should take CSE 30 as preparation.

Upper Division

A total of fourteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-six units) are required:

  1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing MATH 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
  2. Modern Applied Algebra: MATH 103A-B or Modern Algebra: MATH 100A-B
  3. Theory of Computability: CSE 105 (Note: CSE 21 or MATH 100A or MATH 103A or MATH 184 or MATH 184A must be taken prior to CSE 105.)
  4. Computer Implementations of Data Structures: CSE 100 (Note: CSE 21 or MATH 154 or MATH 184 or MATH 184A must be taken prior to CSE 100.)
  5. Intro to Probability: MATH 180A or 183 (Note that MATH 183 is not a prerequisite for MATH 181A; further, note that duplication of credit exists between MATH 180A/183 and ECON 120A.)
  6. Discrete Math or Combinatorics: MATH 154 or 158 or MATH 184 or 188
  7. Design and Analysis of Algorithms: CSE 101
  8. Applied Mathematics Electives: Eight units from MATH 170A-B-C, 171A-B, 173A-B, 174, 175, 179, 180B-C, 181A-B-C-E
  9. Computational Electives: Eight units from MATH 152, 154, 155A-B, 157, 158, 160A-B, 168A, 182, 184, 185, 187A-B, 188, 189, CSE 107, 110, 112, 120-121, 123, 124, 127, 130, 131, 132A-B, 134B, 140-140L, 141-141L, 142, 150A-B, 151A, 152A-B, 158, 160, 165, 167, 168, 169, 176A, COGS 108, 118A-B, 120, 185, 188
  10. General Math—CS Electives: Eight additional units from any course in list #8 or #9 above or MATH 100C, 102, 104A-B, 106, 110, 111A-B, 114, 120A-B, 130, 140A-B, 142A-B, 144, 150A-B, 163, 181D, 181F, 190A-B, 193A-B, 194

In order to ensure fifty-six unique upper-division units are completed, students cannot use a single course to fulfill more than one requirement for the major.

Students wishing to add CSE courses are subject to enrollment restrictions. Refer to the CSE department website for further information.

Joint Major in Mathematics and Economics (MA33)

Majors in mathematics and the natural sciences often feel the need for a more formal introduction to issues involving business applications of science and mathematics. Extending their studies into economics provides this application and can provide a bridge to successful careers or advanced study. Majors in economics generally recognize the importance of mathematics to their discipline. Undergraduate students who plan to pursue doctoral study in economics or business need the more advanced mathematics training prescribed in this major.

This major is considered to be excellent preparation for PhD study in economics and business administration, as well as for graduate studies for professional management degrees, including the MBA. The major provides a formal framework making it easier to combine study in the two fields.

Course requirements of the Joint Major in Mathematics and Economics consist principally of the required courses of the pure mathematics major and the economics/management science major.

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D (MATH 20E is not required.)
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH, MATH 20D
  1. Intro. to Economics: ECON 1 and 3
Upper Division

A total of fifteen upper-division courses (totaling sixty units) are required (with a minimum of seven courses from each department—mathematics and economics)

  1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing MATH 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
  2. One of the following: Applied Linear Algebra: MATH 102, Numerical Linear Algebra: MATH 170A, Abstract Algebra: MATH 100A-B
  3. One of the following: Foundations of Real Analysis: MATH 140A, Introduction to Analysis: MATH 142A
  4. One of the following: Ordinary Differential Equations: MATH 130A, Foundations of Real Analysis: MATH 140B, Introduction to Analysis: Math 142B
  5. Microeconomics: ECON 100A-B-C
  6. Econometrics/Statistics: One of the following sequences:
    1. ECON 120A-B-C
    2. MATH 180A and ECON 120B-C
    3. MATH 180A, 181A-B and ECON 120C
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Macroeconomics: ECON 110A-B
    2. Mathematical Programming: Numerical Optimization: MATH 171A-B

or two courses from the following:

    1. Decisions Under Uncertainty: ECON 171
    2. Introduction to Operations Research: ECON 172A-B, (Note: 172A is a prerequisite for 172B-C.)

Other courses which are strongly recommended are MATH 193A-B and 194 and ECON 109, 113, 175, and 178.

Students in the joint major in mathematics and economics (MA33 in the mathematics department and EN28 in the economics department) cannot double major with any other major in the mathematics department or with any other major in the economics department.

Students in the joint major in mathematics and economics (MA33 in the mathematics department and EN28 in the economics department) cannot minor in mathematics or minor in economics.

Major in Mathematical Biology (MA36)

This major is designed to provide a sound grounding in a core set of mathematical, statistical, and computational subjects relevant in solving bioscience and bioengineering problems.

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D-E
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH, MATH 20D
  2. Calculus-Based Introductory Probability and Statistics: MATH 11
  3. Programming (one of the following):
    1. CSE 5A (Introduction to Programming I)
    2. CSE 8A (Introduction to Computer Science: Java I)
    3. CSE 11 (Introduction to Computer Science: Java, Accelerated Pace)
    4. ECE 15 (Engineering Computing)
  4. Two from the following chemistry and physics courses:
    1. CHEM 6A (General Chemistry I)
    2. CHEM 6B (General Chemistry II)
    3. CHEM 12 (Molecules and Reactions)
    4. CHEM 13 (Chemistry of Life)
    5. PHYS 2A (Physics–Mechanics) or PHYS 4A (Physics for Physics Majors–Mechanics)
    6. PHYS 2C (Physics–Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics, and Optics)
  5. Biological foundations: BILD 1 (The Cell), BILD 2 (Multicellular Life), and BILD 4 (Introductory Biology Lab)
Upper Division

A total of thirteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-two units) are required:

  1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing MATH 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
  2. Partial Differential Equations: MATH 110
  3. Ordinary Differential Equations: MATH 130
  4. Numerical Methods for Physical Modeling: MATH 174
  5. Introduction to Probability: MATH 180A
  6. Exploratory Data Analysis and Inference: MATH 189
  7. Introduction to Mathematical Biology: MATH 112A-B (or 212A-B)
  8. Introduction to Computational Stochastics : MATH 114 (or 214)
  9. Upper-division electives to complete thirteen four-unit courses, chosen from the following courses in biology, physics, and mathematics (at least two electives must be biology focused, non-mathematics courses): BICD 100, BICD 120, BIEB 126, BIEB 128, BIEB 130, BIEB 140, BIEB 146, BIEB 150, BIEB 152, BIEB 156, BIEB 166, BIMM 116, BIMM 134, BIMM 140, BIPN 144, PHYS 175, PHYS 177, PHYS 178, MATH 100A-B, MATH 102, MATH 103A-B, MATH 111A, MATH 120A, MATH 140A-B-C, MATH 142A-B, MATH 150A-B, MATH 154, MATH 158, MATH 170A-B-C, MATH 171A-B, MATH 173A-B, MATH 175, MATH 180B-C, MATH 181A-B, MATH 184, MATH 185, MATH 188, MATH 190A.

Major in Mathematics—Secondary Education (MA32)

This major offers excellent preparation for teaching mathematics in secondary schools. Students interested in earning a California teaching credential from UC San Diego should contact the Education Studies Program (EDS) for information regarding prerequisites and requirements. It is recommended you contact EDS as early as possible.

Required Courses

Lower Division
  1. One of the following sequences:
    1. Linear Algebra and Calculus: MATH 18 and 20A-B-C-D-E.
    2. Honors Calculus: MATH 31AH-BH-CH, MATH 20D


  1. One of the following programming courses/sequences:
    1. Introduction to Computer Science: Java: CSE 8A-B or CSE 11
    2. Engineering Computation: ECE 15
Upper Division

A total of thirteen upper-division courses (totaling fifty-two units) are required:

  1. Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 109 (Note: Students completing 31AH-BH-CH may substitute a four-unit upper-division mathematics elective for MATH 109.)
  2. Number Theory: MATH 104A or 105
  3. History of Mathematics: MATH 163
  4. Practicum in Learning/Research: EDS 129A-B-C (can use EDS 136 and EDS 138 instead of EDS 129A) for K–12 mathematics teaching or EDS 136-140-141 for K–12 mathematics research
  5. One of the following: Computer Graphics: MATH 155A, Numerical Linear Algebra: MATH 170A, Intro. to Cryptography: MATH 187A
  6. One of the following: Intro. to Probability: MATH 180A, Statistical Methods: MATH 183
  7. One of the following: Differential Geometry: MATH 150A, Geometry for Secondary Teachers: MATH 153, Foundations of Topology I: MATH 190A
  8. One of the following: Abstract Algebra: MATH 100A, Applied Linear Algebra: MATH 102, Modern Applied Algebra: MATH 103A
  9. One of the following: Foundations of Real Analysis: MATH 140A, Introduction to Analysis: MATH 142A
  10. Upper-division courses must total thirteen four-unit courses (totaling fifty-two units). Upper-division courses must include at least one two-quarter sequence from the following list:
    100A-B; 103A-B, 103A-102; 104A-B; 110-120A; 110-130; 112A-B; 120A-B; 120A-130; 121A-B; 140A-B; 142A-B; 150A-B; 154-184; 154-188; 155A-B; 158-184; 158-188; 160A-B; 170A-B; 170A-175; 170A-171A; 170A-179; 171A-B; 173A-B; 180A-B; 180A-181A; 190A-B; 193A-B

Minor in Mathematics

The minor in mathematics consists of seven or more courses. At least four of these courses must be upper-division courses taken from the UC San Diego Department of Mathematics. Acceptable lower-division courses are MATH 18 (or 31AH), 20D, and 20E (or 31CH).

MATH 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, and 199H are not acceptable courses for the mathematics minor. A grade of C– or better (or P if the Pass/Not Pass option is used) is required for all courses used to satisfy the requirements for a minor. There is no restriction on the number of classes taken with the P/NP option. No more than eight units of upper-division courses may overlap between major and minor programs.

Minor in Mathematics Education

The mathematics education minor offered through the Education Studies program is intended for students interested in understanding how people learn mathematics, including: students considering K-12 teaching as a career; students interested in teaching at the college level; and students who are interested in becoming better, more reflective learners. All majors are welcome, but the Calculus 10 or 20 sequence is a prerequisite for two of the upper-division courses required for the minor. For more information contact Education Studies:

Mathematics Honors Program

The Department of Mathematics offers an honors program for those students who have demonstrated excellence in the major. Successful completion of the honors program entitles the student to graduate with departmental honors (see Department Honors in the Academic Regulations section).

For Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics—Applied Science, Mathematics—Secondary Education, Mathematics—Computer Science, Mathematical Biology, and Probability and Statistics Majors

Requirements for admission to the program are
  1. Junior standing
  2. An overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  3. A GPA in the major of 3.5 or higher
  4. Completion of MATH 109 (Mathematical Reasoning) or MATH 31CH (Honors Vector Calculus) and at least one of MATH 100A, 103A, 140A, or 142A. (Completion of additional major courses is strongly recommended.)

Applications to the program should be made the spring quarter before the student is at senior standing.

Completion of the honors program requires the following:

  1. At least one quarter of the student colloquium, MATH 196 (Note: MATH 196 is only offered in the fall quarter.)
  2. The minimum 3.5 GPA in the major must be maintained
  3. An Honors Thesis. The research and writing of the thesis will be conducted over at least two quarters of the junior/senior years under the supervision of a faculty adviser. This research will be credited as eight to twelve units of MATH 199H. The completed thesis must be approved by the department’s Honors Committee, and presented orally at the Undergraduate Research Conference or another appropriate occasion.

The department’s Honors Committee will determine the level of honors to be awarded, if any, based on the student’s GPA in the major and the quality of the honors work. Applications for the mathematics department’s Honors Program can be obtained at the mathematics department website: Completed applications can be returned to the Mathematics Advising Office.

For Joint Mathematics and Economics Majors

To graduate with honors requires the following:
  1. At least one quarter of the Student Colloquium, MATH 196 (Note: MATH 196 is only offered in the fall quarter.)
  2. At least one Economics honors course: ECON 100AH, 100BH, 110AH, 110BH, 120AH, 120BH, 120CH. Note: Enrollment in these honors classes is by special permission; check with the undergraduate advisers in the Economics Student Services Office (SH 245).
  3. An Honors Thesis. The research and writing of the thesis will be conducted over two quarters of the senior year under the supervision of a faculty adviser. The completed thesis must be approved by the Joint Mathematics and Economics Honors Committee, which comprises the Mathematics Honors Committee and the Economics Honors Committee, and presented orally at the Undergraduate Research Conference or another appropriate occasion.
    1. If the student is a declared major in the mathematics department (MA33), this thesis will be credited as eight units of MATH 199H. Enrollment in MATH 199H is by special permission; check with the advisers in the mathematics department Undergraduate Affairs Office (AP&M 7409) or the Mathematics Advising Office.
    2. If the student is a declared major in the economics department (EN28), the student must enroll in ECON 191A-B. Enrollment in Econ 191 is by special permission; check with the undergraduate advisers in the Economics Student Services Office (SH 245).
  1. A minimum GPA of 3.0 overall, 3.5 in the upper-division courses required for the major and a 3.5 in the following four classes: MATH 196, Economics Honors class and either ECON 191A-B or two quarters of MATH 199H.

The Joint Mathematics and Economics Honors Committee will determine the level of honors to be awarded, if any, based on the student’s GPA in the major and the quality of the honors work.

Duplication of Credit

Information on duplication of credit (both full and partial) can be found in the course descriptions. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the credit restrictions listed.

Faculty Advisers

Advisers change yearly. Refer to the department website for current information.